
“The Blue Marble is a famous photograph of the Earth taken on December 7, 1972, by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft at a distance of about 29,000 kilometers. The Blue Marble also has been applied by NASA to a series of satellite-derived datasets covering the entire globe at relatively high resolution.”  (Citation modified after Wikipedia)

Blue Marble Research is the inventor of NASA’s famous Blue Marble datasets.

Blue Marble Research cares about people, their motivation and their love for life.

Blue Marble Research supports a sustainable planet through environmentally concious acting.

Blue Marble Research is about crafting fun things by invention or enjoying good food and wine

How to convert a Boeing Lightplate to LED Backlighting

Boeing 737 classic aircraft use cockpit panels which are backlighted by incandescent bulbs. They are driven by 5V (not 28V like all other bulbs, so please don’t burn them, it happened to me). The bulbs are connected in parallel, they are directly soldered onto a PCB and fit through holes into the semi-transparent backplate. Unfortunately, …

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How to transform a Korry 318 annunciator from a 28V to a 5V device

Korry annunciators are used in many larger aircraft. Boeing often uses (or: used, e.g. in the Boeing 737 classic series) the Korry 318 annunciator. It consists of two 28V white light bulbs (Type 387 T1 3/4 Midget Flanged). The annunciator can be pressed, activating a switch to test the annunciator’s light bulbs. The light bulbs …

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Flight Simulator 1.0

Not many words needed. I’m happy to show you some pictures of my first flight yesterday on 26 March 2024 with the newly rebuilt Flight Simulator Home Cockpit, now featuring a second flight management computer and the newly built aft overhead panel, and, and, and … also many thanks for the VACC (VATSIM Controllers in …

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Back to Step 1

After having almost completely mounted the Sim in a newly built wooden house including a curved 210 degree screen and three projectors, a small metal part of the mechanical rudder pedals broke. Since the B737 sim is mounted in a real cockpit enclosure, there is no way to access the rudder pedal from the front. …

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