Buttkicker (Füdligingger) under the seat

The Buttkicker Simulation Kit has arrived. After being sold out for years it is finally available again. It’s a fine piece of hardware. Connecting is easy. I’ve screwed the Transducer under the original B737 seat and it makes a difference during flight.

What is needed now would be to add low frequency vibrations to individual flight systems such as landing gear, flaps or for environmental influences such as turbulence or ground contact. The low frequency vibrations are only partly realistic through the original X-Plane sounds.


    • William on 29 March 2024 at 07:03

    Le Buttkicker fonctionne bien sous Linux ?

    • stockli on 29 March 2024 at 10:14

    Yes, they are simply connected to a speaker output or to the subwoofer output. They work independently of the operating system. If you connect them to the subwoofer, you need to enable Dolby 4.1, 5.1 or 7.1 etc. since the subwoofer output is not driven with simple stereo output (at least on Ubuntu 22.04). However, if you talk about special software creating special subwoofer effects on your buttkicker, then most of them will not work on Linux, you need to write your own. I yet have to do so (e.g. gear down rumble etc.).

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