Tag: Boeing 737

How to convert a Boeing Lightplate to LED Backlighting

Boeing 737 classic aircraft use cockpit panels which are backlighted by incandescent bulbs. They are driven by 5V (not 28V like all other bulbs, so please don’t burn them, it happened to me). The bulbs are connected in parallel, they are directly soldered onto a PCB and fit through holes into the semi-transparent backplate. Unfortunately, …

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Flight Simulator 1.0

Not many words needed. I’m happy to show you some pictures of my first flight yesterday on 26 March 2024 with the newly rebuilt Flight Simulator Home Cockpit, now featuring a second flight management computer and the newly built aft overhead panel, and, and, and … also many thanks for the VACC (VATSIM Controllers in …

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Back to Step 1

After having almost completely mounted the Sim in a newly built wooden house including a curved 210 degree screen and three projectors, a small metal part of the mechanical rudder pedals broke. Since the B737 sim is mounted in a real cockpit enclosure, there is no way to access the rudder pedal from the front. …

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How to move Heavy Stuff without Wheels

I wanted to rotate the cockpit shell horizontally by 90 degrees (you may have read the article where we already had rotated it by 90 degrees vertically). The thing weighs around 600 kg and wheels are not an option when rotating in a circle. The idea was: build skis of wooden plates and use frying …

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Fitting Custom Screens to the MIP

The journey has just begun, or as we say in german: Der Weg ist das Ziel. After adapting the nicely made upper part of the Boeing 737-800 MIP from SISMO Soluciones to the original Boeing 737-300 MIP stand below (see this post), the next task was to outfit the whole thing with proper electronics. I …

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Making of the Integrated Standby Flight Display

The Integrated Standby Flight Display (ISFD) is used in all newer Boeing 737 jets. This instrument is thought to be a backup when all other (now digital) flight instruments fail. In the real aircraft it is a fully independent (in terms of power and sensors) and rather small replacement of the Primary Flight Display (PFD) …

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Fitting the MIP to the real Cockpit

I have bought the high quality MIP with glareshield from SISMO Soluciones and wanted to put it on top of the original B737-300 MIP stand and then mount both things into the real B737-300 cockpit shell. Nice idea. Of course the MIP stand totally changed from the -300 to the -800 (the FMC&lowerCDU bay is …

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Flight Management Computer using Rasperry Pi

Thanks to my colleague Piki from northern Germany and thanks to Dotsha747’s open source FMC PCB and hardware guidance I have been able to complete the first Flight Management Computer (FMC). It uses a Rasperry Pi 3B instead of the Rasperry Pi Zero recommended by Dotsha747 since I want to use a wired LAN connection …

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J-Rails Mounted

Thanks to Pedro von SimuJabs who was able to exactly replicate the Boeing 737-300 J-Rails I could now mount the original cockpit seats. Original J-Rails are very hard to get and the often replicated Boeing 737NG J-Rails are not compatible to the Boeing 737 Classic mounting holes. At the end, I had to still move …

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Thermal Insulation using Sheep Wool

There are all-natural thermal insulation materials out there. The Swiss company Fisolan AG is specialized in turning sheep wool into thermal insulation blankets ready to be used to insulate buildings … or commercial aircraft. Unlike glass wool the sheep wool blankets can be handled without health protection measures. So that is how the Cockpit looked …

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